• I LOVE pink too. (in case it wasn’t obvious :P)
      I don’t think Essence is the best out there but for the price I think it holds up well. I must admit I have no idea why I am always so lucky with Essence though. I have never had any issues with them. Lucky me! I didn’t show any of the pink glitters but boy oh boy are they pretty too. I am not even a glitter fan!!
      Thanks hun!

  1. OMG. I love almost all of them. It seems I am more drawn to the pastel and bright pinks where the darker ones like Pot O BerriesBerries and ultimate pink aren’t my cup of tea. Now lusting after the Starfish shade!
    acidicice recently posted…For the love of nailsMy Profile

  2. chantal

    OH dear I want so many of these pinks it isn’t even funny! I definitely NEED some sinful colors!! Between your blog and for the love of nail art I’m having serious FOMO!

  3. like how am i supposed to choose which is my favourite huh?!!!!
    i like Revlon – Pink Lingerie and then sinful’s fushion neon are my top two favs!!!
    But many of the sinfuls I actually like. Did you buy daredevil from ackermans? I think I’ve seen that… I may need to get it.
    Of course yes yes I love all the tip tops but only coz i have them hahahahahahaha but ja now i want more pink 😀
    Siobhan recently posted…Untried Polish Challenge 2: Two ColoursMy Profile

    • Pink Lingerie actually really surprised me. Ive used Fusion neon so often that I think it’s pretty obvious how much I love it too 😛
      I bought mine at Clicks but when I popped into Ackermans for a second I am SURE I saw it there as well. It really is the most gorgeous thing ever.
      Tip Top RULES!!!

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