Willie parents came down for a few days. They stayed in Toti for a few days then moved onto the City Lodge at Gateway. They seemed to have had a ball!! They went back home this morning. We spent Saturday with them and got spoilt rotten!! Both Willie and I got new boots. We went for lunch. We got a new member of the family (more about that later). Then on Sunday we met them at Gateway for supper. They took us to CTFM. I am not crazy about seafood and the smell of it usually puts me off but sitting outside was lovely. I ended up having some line fish with my meal and it was fantastic!! We got handed loads of cash from mom and dad which was odd but very nice. That was without all the goodies they brought down with them from home. I got another set of plates etc that is goes with the ones I already have (Black with white patterns) and comforters and curtains and clothes and warming tray and a frame with the meaning of my name in. Wow!!! I feel so lucky and loved. Thank you!!
A while ago I congratulated my cousin Mark and his wife Carol-ann on the birth of their daughter Chloe. I finally got some pictures to show.
This is Chloe sleeping and this is Sarah (My cousin & Mark’s sister) and Savannah (Chloe’s sister) They sure are beautiful
Brat is growing up so fast. He is so playful and does the cutest things. I can just sit and watch him for hours.
…and then the new addition to our family….
Her name is Zena and she is Sharpei cross. We think she might be crossed with Boer bull or something similar. She is gorgeous. She is extremely protective and quite cheeky which is brilliant for us seeing as we don’t have any big guard dogs. I must admit, when she is asleep she isn’t very alert but then she is only two months old so I can’t expect too much of her.
My driver’s licence expired. I happened to check on the exact day it expired which was brilliant. I went there to do it today but the lines were ridiculous. I have to go to one office to get the form. Fill it in then go to another office and do the eye exam. Then go to another office and get my finger prints done. Then go to the cashiers so I can pay for spending my day at the licensing offices. What fun. So tomorrow I am leaving home at 6.30 to be there as early as possible and maybe it’ll go a bit quicker. Wish me luck!!