Just a quick catch up post.
I LOVED my pink hair. Just the other day I had to take it out simply because the regrowth was ridiculous. I also refused to go back to the same salon that did it so wasn’t going to get a touch up from them. Considering they told me it would wash out in about 2 weeks or 6-10 washes I am starting to think they had no clue what they were talking about. I am on the look out for a new place to have the pink done. So if you know of somewhere let me know.
I finally finished exams for the year as well. I was really disappointed that my exams were right at the beginning of the exam ‘season’ because I would’ve loved the extra time but in the end it worked out great. I was finished so early that my ‘holiday’ is much longer than most. I have already received the huge book of exam timetable for 2013. It’s still unopened on my desk. Once I actually get my exam results I will start looking at it.
The Teen Mom Support Group KZN Christmas party is just over a week away. I have been wrapping gifts and have endless lists of everything. I am really excited and looking forward to it. Of course it would not be possible at all without some amazing people. So far all the gifts are covered. Now it’s just sorting out the food for the day. Keep a look out for photo’s.
With Christmas just around the corner those plans are also in full swing. The in-laws are arriving soon for a LONG visit. This will be their 3rd visit since we’ve moved into the new house. I like that they love our house as much as we do. It also sounds like my cousin Jamcj and her fiancé will be popping over for a short visit as well. Then on Christmas day we will be going all out with Megan and Clifford. I have never done anything like that myself so it is a little daunting but I know Megan rocks Christmas and will guide me the way. It’s all so exciting. It’s the first Christmas without any parent. I am lucky that I will have so many awesome people around to share the day with.
Speaking of parents. I miss them. Losing my dad is still so new and feels so unreal. I still sometimes want to pick up the phone to call him or expect him to pop in. I always miss my mom so much. I can’t help wondering if she will approve, be proud of where I am today. We always had so many plans and ideas and I wish we had more time to share some of those. Sometimes I miss my parents so much it hurts. I still have more questions than answers. I still love the tattoo I got in honour of them. Whenever I miss them I can look down at my arm and feel a little closer. I know it sound silly but it is what it is.
The weather has been so miserable. It still feels like winter weather most day and even though I by far prefer winter to summer I could do with a bit of summer. We’ve hardly been able to use the pool or the aircon. Which I am dying to use might I just add.
I have bought my #BlogSecretSanta prezzie! I am so excited to send it off. I really hope that she will like it and that I hit the mark. I still think it was a fab idea!
That’s me all caught up. At least I think so.
I also loved your pink hair! I wouldn’t go back to that place either.
I know how you feel about your dad, hon. I still feel that way about my Oupa sometimes *hugs* I am CERTAIN that they would be super proud of you!
I miss my pink hair. Your hair is looking gorgeous though!!!!!
Aww thanks hun. My mom is 10 yrs next year and still doesn’t feel real. Other times it feels like I can’t even remember her. *sigh*
Thanks so much for saying that. Means the world!!!